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Order Management via API


Add Order into the system
    // Mandatory Fields
    "company_id": VERPL000972024,
    "company_order_id": "ORD-001",
    "totalAmount": 1500.75,
    "firstName": "John",
    "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
    "postalCode": "56789",
    "streetAddress1": "123 Main Street",

    // Optional Fields
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "email": "",
    "streetAddress2": "Apt 4B",
    "city": "Springfield",
    "state": "Illinois",
    "specialInstructions": "Leave package at the front door.",
    "products": [
      { "product_id": "101", "quantity": 2, "price": 500 },
      { "product_id": "102", "quantity": 1, "price": 500.75 }
    "billingStreetAddress1": "456 Elm Street",
    "billingStreetAddress2": "Suite 202",
    "billingCity": "Springfield",
    "billingState": "Illinois",
    "billingPostalCode": "56789",
    "companyOrderDate": "2024-11-15",
    "companyOrderDueDate": "2024-11-20",
    "companyOrderDeliveryStatus": "Pending",
    "companyOrderPaymentReference": "PAY-123456",
    "companyOrderStatus": "Processing",
    "companyOrderDescription": "Order description details",
    "company_order_other_attributes_1": { "giftWrap": true },
    "company_order_other_attributes_2": { "priorityDelivery": false }

Update an existing order
    // Mandatory Fields
    "company_id": VERPL000972024,

    // Optional Fields
    "firstName": "Jane",
    "lastName": "Smith",
    "phoneNumber": "+9876543210",
    "email": "",
    "postalCode": "12345",
    "streetAddress1": "789 Oak Avenue",
    "streetAddress2": "Unit 5C",
    "city": "Shelbyville",
    "state": "Indiana",
    "specialInstructions": "Call upon arrival.",
    "totalAmount": 2000.50,
    "products": [
      { "product_id": "201", "quantity": 3, "price": 600 },
      { "product_id": "202", "quantity": 2, "price": 400.25 }
    "billingStreetAddress1": "321 Pine Lane",
    "billingStreetAddress2": "Office 101",
    "billingCity": "Shelbyville",
    "billingState": "Indiana",
    "billingPostalCode": "12345",
    "companyOrderDate": "2024-11-10",
    "companyOrderDueDate": "2024-11-25",
    "companyOrderDeliveryStatus": "Shipped",
    "companyOrderPaymentReference": "PAY-654321",
    "companyOrderStatus": "Shipped",
    "companyOrderDescription": "Updated order description",
    "company_order_other_attributes_1": { "giftWrap": true },
    "company_order_other_attributes_3": { "priorityDelivery": true }