Chat inbox plugin to your portal or platform
Integrating Chat Inbox Plugin to your portal or platform
This feature is only available for accounts with Agency status and that too on demand
As an agency if you have the requirement to provide chat functionality to your users in your platform, you will need to request for this acess
Once you have created a customers account, it will be visible in your Admin Panel
You will two information from here
- the email address of your clients first admin login, it is avaialble on the Admin Panel under column "Email"
- Your clients accounts uuid - to attaing this from the Admin Panel, logging into you clients account using ->] icon under "action". Once you have been successfully logged into your clients account, under Settings - My Company - UUID
Once you have both inputs here is how your form the chat inbox plugin URL<UUID of your client>&email=<First Admin Email>
This feature only works for accounts where you are the agency
Happy Integration
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