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Agency Template Reporting

POST /agency/trackTemplate 
dev url = ""
staging url = ""
prod url = ""



This API enables agencies to submit and track template information. The client must provide a valid uuid as a query parameter and include the template details in the request body. If the wam_id is not provided, the template will automatically be reported as failed.

Request Headers

Header Type Description Constraints
Authorization String Bearer token for authentication and authorization. Required. Must be in the format Bearer [token].

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Description Constraints
uuid String Unique identifier for the agency. Required. Must be a valid UUID format.

Request Body Parameters

Field Type Description Constraints
template_name String Name of the template to be tracked. Required.
phone_number String Phone number associated with the template. Required.
wam_id String Unique identifier for the WhatsApp template. If not provided, the template will be reported as failed. Optional.

Response Codes

Status Code Description
403 Forbidden. Invalid HMAC signature.
400 Bad request. Missing uuid parameter or required fields in the request body.
404 No company found with the provided uuid.
500 Failed to save data to MongoDB or process the template data.

Example Requests

Request (Track Template):

 POST /agency/trackTemplate?uuid=53d1bcd3-aaf0-45e1-9298-5395b6a27b61 Authorization: Bearer [your-jwt-token]
{ "template_name": "savetem", "phone_number": "6363978748", "wam_id": "wamkskdfj-lkskfdkskf" }  

Response (Success - 200):

 { "success": true, "message": "Template data processed successfully" }  

Response (Missing UUID - 400):

 { "success": false, "message": "Bad Request: Missing uuid parameter" }  

Response (Missing Fields - 400):

 { "success": false, "message": "Template name and phone number are required" }  

Response (Invalid HMAC - 403):

 { "success": false, "message": "Forbidden: Invalid HMAC signature" }  

Response (No Company Found - 404):

 { "success": false, "message": "No company found with the provided uuid" }  

Response (MongoDB Failure - 500):

 { "success": false, "message": "Failed to save data in MongoDB. Please try again later." }  

Response (Unexpected Error - 500):

 { "success": false, "message": "An unexpected error occurred while processing the template data. Please try again later." }  


  • Authentication: The authorization token must be valid and properly formatted. Invalid or missing tokens will result in a 403 error.
  • Field Validation: The template_name and phone_number fields are required for this request.
  • WAM ID Handling: If wam_id is not provided, the template will automatically be reported as failed.
  • Error Handling: For 500 errors, consult server logs for more details.